Renata Williams ‘27
Baltimore, MD
Psychology major with a Black Studies minor
Campus Involvement: President of the Shoresteppers; Historian for Cleopatra Sisters; Ambassador for our Intercultural Center
Favorite Part About Being a Washington Scholar
“Aside from the scholarship, I appreciate the abundance of support that we get from our director, as well as everyone on our team. I enjoy feeling secure about the foundation of the Scholars and knowing we have the resources we need to thrive as we transition into adulthood.”
Why someone should apply to Washington College
“I would encourage people to come to Washington College because the college is here for you! Everyone here has your best interest at heart and genuinely wants nothing but success for you. The college ensures you are comfortably uncomfortable in order to be able to excel in life.”
Washington College Favorites
- Birthday Ball: It’s a great way to celebrate the school and the students.
- Orientation Explore!; I made many connections early on, which has helped my transition be a little easier for me. I enjoyed the feeling of a fresh start in both a new environment and around new people. It made everything lighthearted and that made friendships and connections almost effortless to form, and gave me the warmest feeling.
- Going to town: Although I come from a big city, being able to enjoy friendly faces and great ice cream was relieving for me. It also offers somewhere to go if you want to get away from campus but you're not too far away.
- Clubs: Joining clubs gave me the opportunity to be able to find people who were interested in the same things as me, which made clubs feel very inclusive here. I've gained a great sense of community!
- Being active around campus: I totally recommend being active on campus. I find it enjoyable being involved and a part of the growth of Washington College. Feeling like I have an impact on the college's progress, as well as the students, is huge for me because it'll lay the foundation for future students.